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You Can't See It. It's "Write" in Front of Me.:
A Self-Exploration of Your Teenage Years Through Journaling.

"You can't see it. It's "WRITE" in front of me" is a journal/workbook that I have put together for kids to help them navigate through their teenage years. This journal was written to help teens help themselves. Teens can utilize the prompts provided to help guide their thoughts and writings. This journal is dedicated to the families that I have had the opportunity to work with for over 30 years as their therapist. Every day I have learned something new from these families, and this journal is a collection of some of the assignments I have promoted along the way. It's a perfect tool for a therapist, school counselor, psychologist and/or parents to give to their middle and high school aged kids and patients to help them better understand information about themselves.

In working with teens and their families, I have learned various practical approaches in many different modalities from my experiences. I have been blessed to always have the opportunity to recommend some form of journaling to both my teenage and adult patients. Being able to get thoughts and feelings off their chest by capturing the moment on paper has resulted in great benefits for many of my patients over the years. This journal is a culmination of my work to help the many teens who may need to work through some tough times or just need a place to process ordinary life situations. The title, "You Can't See It. It's 'Write' In Front of Me," reflects how teens think about their world. They sometimes don't want adults to know what's going on; this journal will give them that safe space. It may help give them ideas, hope, strength, or just a place to keep their thoughts during their teenage years.

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